
Environment conservation is No Choice, No Compulsion, It’s Common Sense

Clean environment is a basic right of any citizen

Climate change is for real. Our earth is experiencing unexpected change in our environment. Global warming has devastating effects. All environmental issues needs immediate attention of people.

Clean My Village Schools

Gram Samaj families breathe clean air, and communities are empowered to maintain a healthy environment. This is the vision Yamunaji Welfare Trust strives for one village clean-up at a time.

Our Mission

Trees can enhance a community’s sense of pride, and ownership

Our Dream

A clean Village Where Clean Living admire others.

Climate change is for real. Our earth is experiencing unexpected change in our environment. Global warming has devastating effects. Breathing in some of the metropolitan cities in India and the world is more injurious than smoking. Throughout the world people are facing water scarcity. Some of the Indian cities are in worst situations in terms of access to safe drinking water.

The Impact Of Gramsamaj, Enjoy environment protection

Plant Promotions

Promote education and awareness related to environment and management of natural resources.

Cleaning Revolution

To operate vigilant revolution on environmental pollution caused by urban wastes, industrial wastes, hospital wastes etc.

Celebrates World Environment Day

Various competitions. painting, speech, slogan etc. not only changes the children’s thinking towards the environment but also helps to build a better and responsible future generation.

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